In the face of it, well, it didn't matter. Not to me anyway. I had made my choice long ago; and whether he, or anyone else, was convinced it was the wrong choice I was bound to make. It was my choice to make, and mine alone. So here I stand at this crossroad now, far away from what used to be my safe haven, to make another choice, all on my own. If I had listened with my mind to what they had said back then, I would not stand here today. And once again I have to decide if I should follow my mind, or my heart. In following my mind; would that not make a sane decision but leave my heart scarred and with the passing of the years, with all the regret, make me insane, wanting to live outside of the real world. In following my heart; would that not make my heart grow stronger, but make me doubt all the time, for reason does not defy logic, while matters of the heart most often do. Why do ...