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Showing posts from March, 2019

Remember the dead

train my hands for thy war deformed and defiled my soul will swallow thy enemies whole but lest I sleep the sleep of Death still my heart will know and mourn remember the dead they are not gone


soon a phoenix will rise me sweeping the ashes always Cinderella

2001: A space odyssy

losing all controls system malfunctioning lethal intentions

Misty veil

this mornings magic a misty veil on the water mystifying view

Like a flower

 in this life my heart captured by you but deprived of love and touch I wither and die

Kiss me to sleep

wrap me in words let me wander within written dreams make your world unfold in my mind, slowly hide me between the pages of your book kiss me to sleep writer I will not want to wake this night

Lustful love

don't shut the curtains from whispered secrets in the dark daggers fall slowly deeply deadly madly love knows no reason no boundaries lust knows even less cover me with your kisses my nakedness obscured amore libidinoso

Most precious

it's not the possession of jewels or gold nor the wealth of paper the ownership of assets it's the simple things that are most precious touching our hearts, making us whole it's a kiss on the lips a breeze carrying the scent of flowers it's you it's us

My addiction

you might well be my downfall I am drawn to you like a bee to a flower's nectar unquestionably irresistible your lips are addictively sweet I drink your words like poetry they flow through my veins and captivate my heart don't break me my love make me whole


sweet summer's dream feel the warmth of the sun still and walk the lavender fields such fragranced memory France revisited at night


don't fear the hurt in your heart darling you have not gone mad this is just the same sadness you are feeling again and again you've been here before you've seen this colorless haze don't punish yourself for being my darling you know this too shall pass


such sad weather the clouds are continuously crying and I feel like I'm losing the light inside of me a gray haze obscuring my heart depression

Waking Spring

a cold freezing fog covering this morning's landscape come arouse spring's sunshine wake her from her slumber make her rise

True worth

in this superficial world of paper wealth blind to true worth the beggar's house of gold unseen poor creative souls are lost    

My hands

my hands     are so cold        but you say           to you             they feel like fire                 burning                     with desire                          touching                             your inner core                                maki...

Fear me

within me the darkness, the tempest & the torrents of tears I am the spray that bears the buds of rage I can draw blood like razor blades heed my warning child you should fear me for I am no friend today I may seem docile tomorrow I might kill

A ruin

the cracks in our foundation are expanding and the fractured pillars of our trust can no longer support the roof the walls that we've plastered with our love are flaking our tears expanding the mould we are becoming a ruin


he was watching her waiting in the calm before the storm carefully, patiently she was growing wild her fear expanding before breaching like a feral cat clawing her way out of danger raging against life itself he knew it would pass he'd seen the kitten she truly was


the magic of ice frost embracing a bubble slowly transforming


on top of a stump little ball of reddish fur quietly resting


burn these pages and write no more child there's a dark kind of magic in those words spellbinding rhymes make minds go weak what pen did you use? what ink? who whispered these poems into your ear? a muse? 't can't be no, 't can't be

All you want

seduce me into confession trial me saturated senses seek no absolution my body knows no boundaries my heart knows no restraint take me as I am or leave me I am all if all is what you want

Your wake

the storm has passed and in the void of your wake I find myself alone my boat adrift as the seagulls soar by I watch the horizon on my own seeking searching for signs are you still there somewhere waiting for me maybe


hello can you hear me? ~ no heartbeat open your eyes for me love ... ~ no heartbeat press one and two and three ~ no heartbeat please, don't go, don't leave me ~ no heartbeat press one and two and three ~ breathe

My rock

drifting on the erratic currents of my fragile mind       flying blind I still find my way home to you my solid rock amidst the wild, wild waves     you are a beacon       a buoy I nestle within the shelter of your arms        safe

Break of day

I find the mornings are the hardest to endure waking from sweet slumbering dreams still finding you are gone the nightly thrust of hope swept away by the simple break of day

Like chess

he played them like pawns it was all a game to him casual pastime


They sat in the grass, staring at clouds; an old man and a girl.  "We all suffer sometimes, Sarah. It is not something you can avoid."   "But I can run really fast, pops."   "I know you can. But sometimes, when you're looking over your shoulders, pain simply sneaks up on you."


I live a colorless life mold my body into art with your tender hands     awaken my slumbering soul color my world blue shape me with your beautiful imagination   my artist, my creator        touch me, teach me make me fit perfectly into you

My madness

failing to overcome myself the blood in my veins outwards the darkness in my soul seemingly white I am the heat in my heart raging I am the hatred in my head inwards slowly I become my madness I paint myself fading into the background my body decomposing


I find solace in madness and madness in my blood I draw red lines and paint a perfect picture in my head this is how my world begins and this is how it ends I have never been alive so never shall I be dead

Ghostly hands

I cling to you ~ still holding on that all that once was with ghostly hands I claw at the sheets of our bed hug your pillow my scent already gone I can't sever the lines that bind us lingering, I keep seeing you I need to keep seeing you please, see me too


you draw patterns in the nightly sky      white lines from star to star making up our own    constellations you portray us as a flower     sometimes a tree but I am not anything as   beautiful as you draw me to be I am the mud between the roots I am the rain washing it away

Quotation from Shakespeare

"And these our lives, exempt from public haunt, find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stone, and good in everything." ~ Shakespeare ( As you like it)

Quotation from Mandy Bontius

'Books are the best friends anyone can have; they never judge you, they can only hurt you so much as you let them, they won't stab you in the back, they can bring great pleasure and they never leave you.' ~ Mandy Bontius

The hurt

the hurt you wanted to escape followed you excitedly like a puppy dog wagging its tail

Sensual memories

                                         glow for me my love       make some soft sensual memories             for the dark days to come     our hearts under lock & key & scrutiny

Long ago

in a musty old box in the attic keepsakes and memories long forgotten a lock of hair little worn-out shoes a discolored photograph of sunny day spend at the seaside some dried flowers held together with a red ribbon a written letter from her lover  't was so long ago a lifetime

My world

I know nothing of this world and I understand so little Uncertain and somewhat afraid I often turn to hide where none can reach me, for within my own world I can rely on my trusted imagination I know the way there I know my place there


within the night sky distant stars hold memories I try to find ours


mourning her mother sitting under a pale moon the ghost of a girl

Breathe for me

beneath blankets of black I watch the world with weary eyes trace the edges of my sanity with trembling fingers I often find no reason in staying but when waves of desperation drown me be my lungs and breathe for me for I am not willing to leave you nor am I ready to leave me


long before love was named love, I've loved deeply, but always fleetingly I've kissed the sun, the stars, the moon I've caressed the earth, the sky, the waters I was the first I'll be the last you need not look for me child just close your eyes, feel me I've always been here heart

Hello, goodbye

Hello, I've seen you around many times I do not know your name How are you? Hello, have you seen me around too? Do you know my name? I am fine Hello, let me blow you a kiss, for if we never meet again, we can always remember a sweet goodbye from a stranger